Saturday, April 10, 2021

Where is Hope when you are faced with the Dark Side of Human Nature?

In the last few years, I have been faced with the Dark Side of Human Nature. It has changed who I am, but I made the decision not to give into despair. I am no longer an optimist, however. I am now a realist.

As human beings we have the choice to travel down the road of fear or to detour down the road of love. Every choice I make can either suck the life out of me or empower me. The choice is ultimately mine. A long time ago I choose LOVE. That has saved me.

Just like many others in this world, I have been exposed to people who are empty vessels. They have been revealed to me in their full glory. You stare in their eyes and there is no soul. They lie. They manipulate others for their own personal benefit. They worship money. They have no empathy. They are poison in people’s lives. They blame others for things they have done. They believe they are entitled and deserving.

Often, they fool the world with their false self. Their toxic perceptions and actions have put others in therapy. They are emotional vampires. What they believe has nothing to do with Truth. The sad part is that often Karma does not get them until the end. The people they leave behind are often the damaged collateral.

When I was younger, I often had the expectation that living a good, clean, and grateful life would spare me the bad things that happen to everyone else. How naive of me!

At first I couldn’t believe it happened to me. It happened indirectly, but actually directly because it happened to people I love. I knew that life was not fair. Now I understand that because life is my learning journey, this painful experience is supposed to be my learning experience. What I do with it says a lot about whether I betray myself or not. I know that I am worth protecting. My relationship with myself is a priority. I have to be true to myself.

I was blessed in my life to marry a man of character – a man with integrity and truth. He is not a perfect man; however, perfection is overrated. I now know how spoiled I have been in my life to live with someone who personifies the saying “Actions speak louder than words.” I am his priority. He is dependable. I know what it is like to be truly loved. Because of this experience, I have hope that when I am faced with the Dark Side of Human Nature that my spirit will survive.

I wake up every morning and I count my blessings. I am grateful I am still alive. I know Truth with the capital T. This day I have before me will never come again in my life. Live in the NOW.

Where is Hope when you are faced with the Dark Side of Human Nature?

In the last few years, I have been faced with the Dark Side of Human Nature. It has changed who I am, but I made the decision not to give ...